adobe air sdk

Adobe AIR SDK 現可供單獨或隨其他產品一起散發。

相關軟體 Adobe Air 下載

The Adobe® AIR, runtime enables you to have your favorite web applications with you all the time. Since applications built for Adobe AIR run on your desktop computer without a web browser, they provid...

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  • Adobe AIR is a computer program known as a runtime. It is necessary to have Adobe AIR on y...
    Troubleshoot installation of Adobe AIR SDK on Windows
  • 關於 Adobe AIR: Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於 Windows 和 Mac OS 桌上型電腦,以及 iOS 和 Android 裝置...
    Adobe - Adobe AIR
  • Adobe AIR beta introduces enhanced features that provide developers a consistent and flexi...
    Adobe AIR 25 Beta | application development - Adobe Labs
  • Adobe AIR SDK 現可供單獨或隨其他產品一起散發。
    Adobe AIR SDK 散發| Adobe
  • 閱讀Adobe AIR SDK 散發常見問答集包括安裝程式格式、轉散發和下載問題。
    Adobe AIR SDK 散發常見問答集| Adobe
  • Your e-mail address has been verified. We will now process your application to distribute ...
    Adobe AIR SDK 散發常見問答集– 電子郵件驗證| Adobe
  • Adobe AIR SDK 包含下列可用來啟動和封裝應用程式的命令列工具: AIR Debug Launcher (ADL) 可讓您不需安裝 AIR 應用程式即可執行。請參閱 AI...
    AdobeAIR * AIR 開發適用的 Adobe Flash Platform 工具
  • 跳到 下載和安裝AIR SDK - 您可以遵循下列指示,下載並安裝AIR SDK: ... 若要安裝AIR,請將SDK 的內容解壓縮到電腦的資料夾(例如:C:Program&nb...
    AdobeAIR * AIR 開發適用的Adobe Flash Platform 工具
  • 若要親身體驗 Adobe® AIR® 的運作方式,請使用這些指示來建立和封裝簡單的 HTML 類型的 AIR "Hello World" 應用程式。 您必須安裝...
    AdobeAIR * 使用 AIR SDK 建立您的第一個 HTML 類型 AIR 應用程式
  • Download Adobe AIR 25preview, which introduces enhanced features that provide developers a...
    Download Adobe AIR 25 Beta - Adobe Labs
  • The Adobe AIR SDK provides the tools necessary to build and deploy Adobe AIR applications.
    Download Adobe AIR SDK
  • Adobe® AIR® SDK & Compiler (Release Notes) provides developers with a consistent and f...
    Download Adobe AIR SDK - Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions
  • The Adobe AIR SDK provides the tools necessary to build and deploy Adobe AIR applications.
    Download Adobe AIR SDK for Mac
  • The Adobe AIR SDK provides the tools necessary to build and deploy Adobe AIR applications.
    Download Adobe AIR SDK for Windows
  • The Adobe AIR SDK provides the tools necessary to build and deploy Adobe AIR applications....
    Download Adobe AIR SDK for Windows - Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management so...
  • If you are a developer who has to test an application using different versions of Adobe AI...
    Find and download archived versions of Adobe AIR SDK
  • Adobe AIR is a computer program known as a runtime. It is necessary to have Adobe AIR on y...
    Troubleshoot installation of Adobe AIR SDK on Windows
  • 關於 Adobe AIR: Adobe AIR 執行階段可讓開發人員將相同的程式碼封裝成適用於 Windows 和 Mac OS 桌上型電腦,以及 iOS 和 Android 裝置...
    Adobe - Adobe AIR